Account Merge Error - Conflict on dbo.CheckRuns
Error occurs when attempting to merge GL accounts:
Munis (glacctmr)
Error deleting from glmaster. Status: -691 [ISAM -547]
Additional information concerning a status error of -691:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_CheckRuns_Accounts". The conflict occurred in database "mutrain", table "dbo.CheckRuns", column 'AccountId'.
If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.
System log Id: XXXX
Error for dbo.Checks is the primary error, but if the problematic check(s) are purged, the dbo.CheckRuns error will occur. See: Account Merge - Duplicate key value on dbo.Checks
Account Merge
Accounts being merged are both on the CheckRuns table
- MUN-402561 is open with Development to address errors occurring against Accounts Payable tables when merging accounts.
- This error would typically be specific to balance sheet accounts.
Updating CheckRuns is possible but error for AccountsReceivable table will likely occur next : 'Errors have occurred, please contact MUNIS Financial Support' when Merging Accounts