How to select fields to export in Employee Export program

Description of Issue

I need an Employee Export that I can schedule that does not contain SSNs.

  • Munis
  • Employee Export
  • Scheduler 

  1. Go to Employee Export (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Export)
  2. Click Define. 
  3. Next to the Execute this report field click the drop down and select Now.
  4. Define applicable employee criteria to include in the export. Click Accept. Click Excel. 
  5. Export Filer will display. Uncheck the box next to SSN. Click Save in the toolbar. Click Accept. 
  6. Click Define. Next to the Execute this report field click the drop down and select At a Scheduled Time. 
  7. Define applicable employee criteria. Click Accept. 
  8. Define scheduled fields as needed. Use How to schedule the Employee Export report for further assistance on scheduling the report. 
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