How to schedule the Employee Export report

Description of Issue

Instructions on how to create a scheduled job for the Employee Export

  • Munis
  • Employee Export
  • Scheduler


Here is how to schedule the Employee Export to run automatically.

  1. Go to Employee Export. Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Export.
  2. Select Define.
  3. On the Execute this report field select At a scheduled time.
  4. Define the rest of the screen to include the employees that you want in the report. Hit Accept.
  5. Enter the Description or leave it as Employee Export.
  6. Enter the date and time you want the first report to be created.
  7. Select the Recur box. Here you can select how frequently you want the report to run, the time, and how long you want the report to keep running for. Select OK.
  8. Select the Notify box. Here you can enter the users who should be notified once the report has been completed. Select OK.
  9. Select the Output box. Here you can change what the file name is called. The [nnnn] represents the numbers that will be inserted each time the report is created. Select OK.
  10. Once the scheduled job has been defined, hit OK to create it.
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