Payroll Inception Accumulators
Payroll Inception Accumulators
Description of Issue
We have accumulators for employees that show year 1995 but we just went live with Munis in 2020, where are these dates coming from?
- Munis
- Employee Accumulators
The Inception Accumulator is created with year 1995 by program default.
Inception Accumulators collect data related to the pay/deduction for the entirety in Munis. The year 1995 is not meaningful as far as the actual calendar year is concerned and it used simply to classify the inception accumulators.
If you do not want to track Inception Accumulators:
- Go to Payroll Control Settings (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings).
- Find and double click the setting for General - Maintain Inception Accumulators.
- Click Update. Click the ellipsis and select N-No. Click Accept.
Additional Information