How to locate specific journals on the General Ledger

How to locate specific journals on the General Ledger

Description of Issue

User posted a journal from another module (Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Accounts Payable, etc.) and does not know which program to use to locate the journal

  • Journal Inquiry/Print

  • General Journal Entry/Proof



If a journal has been entered but is in a Proof status (meaning the journal is unposted), the journal can be found in General Journal Entry/Proof:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > General Journal Entry/Proof

  1. Browse

  2. Select Browse All journals

  3. This provides a list of every unposted General Ledger jounral

    1. This does not provide a list of unposted budget amendments or encumbrance journals

If a journal has been Posted, it can be located in Journal Inquiry/Print:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print

  1. Search

  2. Enter the Year, Period, and Journal Number

  3. Accept

EERP General Ledger Support can assist with locating specific journals. If there is an issue with the posting process of a journal, the user would need to submit a case to the appropriate Support team that oversees the posting process (for example, issues with posting batches to the GL from Payments Journal would need to have a case submitted to Revenue Support).

Additional Information

Users may also use Accounting Entries (Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Accounting Entries) to locate General Ledger journals that have been entered but are still in Proof. This program also shows unposted Budget Amendments and Encumbrance journals.

If a user needs to see if a journal was deleted or voided, navigate to Journal Number Control (Financials > General Ledger Menu > Miscellaneous Set Up > Journal Number Control) and select the Unused Journals skittle in the top ribbon.