Detail Check History report-payroll warrant missing
When running the Detail Check History report for a full month, there should be two warrants for each employee with two check dates, but one is not in the report.Â
Enterprise ERP Payroll
Detail Check History
Payroll Start and Status
Employee Update was reversed for the missing warrant.Â
Recommended to do in Test or Train first:Â
Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status.
Click Search, enter Run Type and Warrant and click Accept.
Click Change.
Click Employee Update.Â
Click Yes to active payroll prompt.
Click Update Emps.
Once complete, navigate to Payroll>Employee History>Detail Check History Report.
Click Search. Enter date range as necessary.
Click Accept.
If errors occur during the Employee Update in the non-prod environment, please contact Payroll Support.Â
The Employee Update step creates pay history for employees, along with updating Accumulators and Accrual History. If it is reversed, those updates are removed.Â