TylerDiskTest Detected as Malware by AntiVirus
TylerDiskTest Detected as Malware by AntiVirus
Description of Issue
- The Tyler Disk Test application, TylerDiskTest.exe, was detected as malware by AntiVirus. Is this application safe to have on our servers?
- Antivirus software flagging the Tyler Disk Test application
- Tyler Deploy
- AV
- AntiVirus
- Anti Virus
Tyler Disk Test is a Tyler made application, primarily used by the Deployment and Support teams to test disk speed on servers during performance reviews and new deployments.
TylerDiskTest is not a malicious program and is safe to have installed on your servers.
Additional Information
- TylerDiskTest is typically located under the TylerInstalls folder on the data drive but may be in another location
- If you would like to retain this application, please add an exclusion to prevent future flagging from your antivirus software
- The folder(s) TylerDiskTest.zip or TylerDiskTest and their contents can be removed from the server if desired
- For more information on antivirus software exceptions, please see Antivirus Exclusion List for Enterprise ERP Servers.