Self-Hosted Enterprise Forms Processing Slowly
Enterprise Forms/ReadyForms documents taking longer than usual to archive
Tyler Forms
Enterprise Forms
TSM On-Premise
Slow processing
Archive delay
System takes hours to create images in TCM
System takes hours to send out emails
Antivirus Software scanning every individual document while processing, leading to each document taking several seconds to process, rather than a few every second
Create exception in server antivirus scanning for the following folder on the Infrastructure server: \\[ServerName]\[DriveLetter]$\inetpub\tylerroot\prod\tylerforms\api\App_Data
These instructions are only for the PROD environment. For non prod environment, change the prod folder in the above folder path to the respective environment folder.
For more information about antivirus exclusions to improve performance for other applications, review Antivirus Exclusion List for Enterprise ERP Servers