Contract is not checking budget for next year

Contract is not checking budget for next year

Description of Issue

When entering an Encumbered Contract in Contract Entry, the account line for the current year is giving the correct budget check, but entering a next year line does produce a budget check. 



Contract Management


A specific setting within Contract Settings is not turned on: Enable NY budget checking for encumbered contracts


The Contract Setting to Enable NY budget checking for encumbered contracts needs to be checked for Contract Entry and Contract Change Orders to check the next year line's General Ledger available budget

Additional Information
  • Once this option is selected, a budget check should occur when entering a Contract line for next year on an Encumbered Contract. 

  • Please not that next-next year, for instance 2 years in advance, will still not check budget. Budget will only be checked for current year and next year in Munis EERP.