Line item in Deductions Summary section Earnings and Deductions Proof lists a Deduction that is not in the system

Description of Issue

The Earnings and Deductions Proof shows a line item under the Deduction Summary labeled Desc?? with an Employee and Total Amount.  This deduction code does not exist in the system.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof

  • Earnings and Deductions


A manually added Pay within Earnings and Deductions was entered in the Deduction Code ranges (1000-9999) instead of the Pay Code ranges (0-999).


The employee must be removed from the payroll then re-added to remove the incorrect pay.

Additional Information

The system will not allow a manual deletion of the pay code, as permissions to not permit modification of pay codes outside the 0-999 range.

  1. Navigate to Earnings and Deductions

  2. Search for the Employee

  3. Select the Delete option in the top ribbon

    1. Select Yes to the prompt asking Are you sure you want to delete this record from the database?

  4. Select Add in the top ribbon and re-add the employee with their default deductions and pays

  5. Make any adjustment to the pays as necessary.

This will allow you move forward with processing the remainder of the payroll.