How to Delete an AR Customer
How to Delete an AR Customer
Description of Issue
Need to delete an Accounts Receivable Customer record.
- Accounts Receivable
- Customers
With the correct permissions, there will be a Delete button on the toolbar when viewing an AR Customer record.
- Navigate to General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customers
- Click Search and pull up the Customer record that needs to be removed
- Click Delete on the toolbar
- On the confirmation popup, click Yes, Delete to remove the record
- In the bottom left corner near the navigation arrows, it will say DEL to indicate that record has been removed
- If activity exists, it will say Customer cannot be deleted - transactions exist.
- Click Update on the toolbar
- Uncheck the box for Active
- Click Accept to save the change
Additional Information
If there are no Update or Delete options on the toolbar, refer to this article: How to assign permissions to update AR Customers Records