How to Delete an AR Customer

How to Delete an AR Customer

Description of Issue

Need to delete an Accounts Receivable Customer record.

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Customers



With the correct permissions, there will be a Delete button on the toolbar when viewing an AR Customer record. 

  1. Navigate to General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customers
  2. Click Search and pull up the Customer record that needs to be removed
  3. Click Delete on the toolbar
  4. On the confirmation popup, click Yes, Delete to remove the record
    1. In the bottom left corner near the navigation arrows, it will say DEL to indicate that record has been removed
    2. If activity exists, it will say Customer cannot be deleted - transactions exist.
      1. Click Update on the toolbar
      2. Uncheck the box for Active
      3. Click Accept to save the change
Additional Information

If there are no Update or Delete options on the toolbar, refer to this article: How to assign permissions to update AR Customers Records