How to Import Pay Raise Into Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

I need to import pay raises in employee job/salary.  What fields do I need for the import.

  • Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Employee Import



I. Create an Excel File

  1. There are two ways to create an excel file.

    1. Export information from Employee Job/Salary

    2. Use the Export Sample found in Employee Import program

  2. The file should contain Employee Number, Job Class, Position Number, Pay Code, Effective Date, and Updated Rate

    1. Other columns can be included as desired

II. Find a Template that matches your file

  1. Create a template using the excel file created if one is not available.

    1. Go to Employee Import(Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import)

    2. Click Custom Templates in the toolbar. Select applicable import type option, click Ok. 

    3. Click Create Template in the toolbar. 

    4. Template Layout will be Flat.

    5. Define a Name for the template.

    6. Leave delimiter as None if using an .XLXS file. If using a .CSV file, select Other and define a comma (,) in the File Delimiter field.

    7. Under the Input File header, select Browse, and select the import file.

    8. If the import file contains headers, click the checkbox for First line contains headers.

      1. Check the checkbox for Attempt field matching based on headers.

        1. This helps the program create the template for you.

    9. Click Upload

    10. Review the headers. If needed, click the header and choose the correct field header.

    11. Click Save. 

III. Complete the Import

  1.  Go to Employee Import(Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import)

  2. Click Define

  3. Select Employee Pay Information Import

  4. Select the template

  5. Select the Excel file

  6. Check Skip First Line

  7. Check Use Automatic Pay Duplication

  8. Click 

  9. Output the import record and review for errors.  

  10. Post Records prompt will ask,  Would You Like to Post Records? Click Yes.

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