Auditing change to W2 code for a payroll deduction

Description of Issue

Can you please tell me if/how I can see the history of the updates made to the W2 codes for a deduction code in the Benefits and Deduction master?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Deduction and Benefit Master

  • Deduction Master

  • W2 Code

  • W-2 code

  • Payroll Audit Inquiry



Can view the changes in Payroll Audit Inquiry

  1. Access Payroll Audit Inquiry (Payroll > Payroll Administration > Payroll Audit Inquiry)

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter prdedw2c for the Table

  4. TAB down

  5. Enter 0 for the prdw_proj, enter the deduction code for the prdw_ded

  6. Click Accept

Additional Information

Option added to versions 2024.2 and higher for adding this to View History on the Deduction and Benefit Master screen under MUN-479007.