txcalcpa failed error during MA Tax Calculation

txcalcpa failed error during MA Tax Calculation

Description of Issue

When running Tax Calculation during a Massachusetts's Tax Bill Run, the error Fetchselect_txremast (txcalcpa) failed - status: 100 is received. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • MA Tax 

  • Tax Calculation (txtxcalc)

  • CPA

  • CPA Exemption


This error occurs when tax calculation tries to calculate CPA for a parcel with a taxable value of $100,000 or less and the $100,000 CPA Exemption is used. Because the taxable value is reduced to $0 for CPA, the program throws an error. 

  1. Click OK on the error and tax calculation will continue calculating. 

  2. The Properties to calculate and Properties calculated should show the same value when the process finishes and the Errors field should show 0. The Process status in the Tax Year Settings should advance to 7. 

  3. If this does not happen, another error may have prevented the successful completion of Tax Calculation. 

  4. If the program was closed, simply re-run Tax Calculation. 

Additional Information
  • The CPA exemptions are setup on the Bill tab of the Tax Settings program. 

  • If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.