Mail merge not working - the required external resource for ID TCMMM was not found

Description of Issue

When attempting to utilize the mail merge functionality within Munis, an error appears stating The required external resource ID for 'TCMMM' was not found.

  • Munis
  • Enterprise ERP
  • EERP
  • Content Manager
  • CM
  • Mail Merge 

The TCMMM Mail Merge Resource ID has not yet been created as an external resource.

  1. In the affected Munis environment, with administrative permissions, navigate to the Tyler Menu > System Administration > General Administration > System Settings 
  2. In the top right menu bar, click on Application Storage 
  3. In the ribbon, click Update 
  4. Click Add
  5. In the dropdown under the Resource ID column, select TCMMM - Archive Mail Merge TCM
  6. In the Name column, type TCMMM
  7. In the URL column, enter in the URL found in the Web Services screen in Munis:
    1. Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > Web Services 
    2. Copy the WSDL base URL 
    3. Go back to Application Storage and paste the WSDL base URL under the URL Column. You will need to add spwshdlr onto the end of the URL
  8. Under the User ID column, enter in the User ID which can also be found under the Web Services screen (where the WSDL base URL was located) 
    1. Most commonly this is set to wsuser for self-hosted sites, but may be different for ASP sites
  9. Under the Password column, enter the password that corresponds with the User ID from step 8. This can be found on the Site Report
  10. Once all fields have been populated, click Accept in the top ribbon
  11. Please test the Mail Merge process again. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, or further assistance is needed, please reach out to Munis Support.