Which reports should be used to reconcile the Accounts Receivable with the General Ledger

Description of Issue

Would like to know which reports to use when reconciling the Accounts Receivable with the General Ledger. 

  • Accounts Receivable 
  • General Ledger
  • General Billing
  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Community Development 
  • Utility Billing
  • Detail Receivables by Date (arthrudt) 
  • Detail Receivables Register (arthrudt) 
  • Reconciliation Report (arssrsrl)

Proper Accounts Receivable reports are needed to reconcile to the General Ledger. 

  • The Detail Receivable by Date and Detail Receivable Register reports were designed specifically for reconciliation.  Either of these reports can and should be used to reconcile the Accounts Receivable with the General Ledger.
  • The Reconciliation Report can be used in conjunction with the Detail Receivable by Date and Detail Receivable Register reports to reconcile. This report provides a second layer of verification and was designed specifically to help find the source or cause of a variance in a specific GL Year/Period. 
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