How to import Projects

Description of Issue

Can projects be imported?

I need to create a large number of projects, can I import to create them all at once? 


Project Import


A large number of projects need to be created


Projects can be imported using the Project Import program

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Setup > Project Import

  1. Define

  2. Generate Excel Template

    1. Open the template and populate values as needed.

  3. Select your import file using the magnifier glass within the Import file field

  4. Accept

  5. Import

Additional Information

Required fields

  • Project

  • Title

  • Budget Method

    • A for Annual

    • L for Life to Date

  • Start Month

    • 1-12 to denote the project years starting month

  • Expense Req Level

    • 0 No required level

    • 2 All expense strings created for this project will need to have 2 project segments defined

    • 3 All expense strings created for this project will need to have 3 project segments defined

    • 4 All expense strings created for this project will need to have 4 project segments defined

  • Funding Req Level

    • 0 No required level

    • 2 All funding source strings created for this project will need to have 2 project segments defined

    • 3 All funding source strings created for this project will need to have 3 project segments defined

    • 4 All funding source strings created for this project will need to have 4 project segments defined

  • Budget Req Level

    • 0 Project strings will not be checked for available budget during transaction entry/posting

    • 1 Available budget will be grouped by Project during the Available Budget Check calculation during transaction entry/posting.

    • 2 Available budget will be grouped by Project Segment 2 during the Available Budget Check calculation during transaction entry/posting.

    • 3 Available budget will be grouped by Project Segment 3 during the Available Budget Check calculation during transaction entry/posting.

    • 4 Available budget will be grouped by Project Segment 4 during the Available Budget Check calculation during transaction entry/posting.

    • 5 Available budget will be grouped using the Major Project assigned to the project in question. If this is set to 5, Major Project is a required field.