Credential has expired

Description of Issue

User(s) receiving Credential - XXXX - has expired after logging into ESS

  • Enterprise ERP 

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management 

  • Employee Credentials

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Setup

  • Payroll Control Settings


The Payroll Control Settings for ESS Credential Expiration Days is set to a value of "30"

  1. Access Menu > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings

  2. Scroll or filter to find the setting GENERAL - ESS CREDENTIAL EXPIRATION DAYS

  3. Click Update

  4. Update Value to "0" 

    1. The value determines the number of days prior to certification expiration that ESS displays an employee alert

  5. Click Accept

  6. Log out and back in to ESS to test again

Additional Information
  • Please reach out to EERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions