Default Late Fee Charge Is Blank For Charge Code

Description of Issue

When attempting to process late fees site is receiving an error message: Warning: default late fee charge is blank for Charge Code/Rate Code Effective Date

  • Munis

  • Utility Billing


  • Apply Late Fees


The default late fee has not been defined in the Rate Masters program.


Populate the late fee for the Charge Code/Rate Code combination

  1. Navigate to Tyler Menu > Property Revenue > Utility Billing > Setup > Rate Masters

  2. Click Search

  3. Populate the Charge code, Rate code, and Effective date based on the error received

  4. Accept

  5. Click Update

  6. Enter in the desired late fee charge code in the Default late fee charge field

  7. Click Accept

Site can then return the Apply Late Fees program and will no longer receive the error.

Additional Information