YTD Budget Report - Access Denied error when selecting Journal Detail Hyperlink

Description of Issue

When selecting a Journal Detail Hyperlink on the YTD Budget report getting error: Access denied due to program security established by the System Administrator


YTD Budget Report

Journal Inquiry/Print


User does not have menu access to the Journal Inquiry/Print program.


To resolve, the user will need menu access to the Journal Inquiry/Print program.

System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Search for the User Id

  2. Select the role which grants menu access to the user

  3. Hit the Edit Role option at the bottom

  4. Select the Menu Security tab

  5. Double click on the menu path to get to the program (Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print)

  6. Hit the Edit option and check the box to add that program to the user's menu

Once the menu option is added, they will need to refresh the Tyler Menu or log out and back in to see the updated program.