No ADD option in Encumbrance Journal Entry Proof
No ADD option in Encumbrance Journal Entry Proof
Description of Issue
No ADD option in Ribbon within Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof
Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof
User does not have a role granting Create Encumbrance Entries permission.
To grant user Create Encumbrance Entries permission:
Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes
Search for the User
Highlight the Role you want to update and select Edit Role at bottom of page
General Ledger folder
Check off Create Encumbrance Entries
Have user reopen Encumbrance Journal Entry/Proof and they will now have a ADD option.
Additional Information
Please note the updating a role will update the permissions of all users assigned to the role. You can see the users assigned to the role on the Assigned Users tab in the Roles program.