Adding Logo to a Tyler Hub Card

Description of Issue

Adding Logo to a Tyler Hub Card

  • Tyler Hub

  • Enterprise ERP


  1. Login to Tyler Hub

    1. Click Edit Content on the bottom left side of the page, above the gear icon

    2. Click Add Card

    3. Select Create New Card

    4. Find Viewer

    5. Click View options

    6. Select Text & Images

    7. Add logo by:

      1. Option 1: Copy and paste the image into the Enter information here area

      2. Option 2: There is a Load Image button located on the right side of the Ordered List button that will let you load the logo to the card

    8. (optional) Center image if needed

    9. Remove the title text from the card

    10. Click Save

    11. Position the card in the desired location

      1. It can be done by using the drag-and-drop method

Additional Information