How to Set Up Cash Drawer Opening
Cash Drawer does not open after upgrading Munis ERP. Where do we configure this?
Account Receivable
Payment Entry
The cash drawer opening is determined by the Payment Method. Open cash drawer needs to be checked off for the applicable payment method(s)
To update the payment process for each method
From the Tyler Menu, navigate to General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Payment Methods.
Select the applicable payment method
Click Update
Select the Open Cash Drawer checkbox to open the cash drawer for the current payment method if it is used for payment in the Payment Entry program.
Select the Reference Required checkbox to require entry of a check or reference number in the Payment Entry program if the current payment method is used for payment.
In the Cash Account boxes, type the general ledger cash account.
If your organization uses the full account entry method, you must enter the full general ledger account number.
If your organization uses the org/object account entry method, enter the org code, object code, and project code (if applicable).
Click Accept.