Output to PDF closes Munis program - Invalid license

Description of Issue
  • Clicking PDF causes Munis program to crash and takes user back to Hub

  • When trying to view PDF reports or to display reports, the applications crashes and does not open the requested report. For PDFs the window is closing with no warning or error. We have found the issue in many Munis modules.

  • Output to PDF closes Munis program without errors

  • PDF file will not open

  • PDF file does hot open, but the Excel option is working as expected

  • Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xms4m -Xmx1024m

    Exception at document location:

    ERROR(-6780):Invalid license request format

    ERROR com.fourjs.report.stylesheet.PipeFromStreamThread - exception

...The date-limited license has expired...

  • Wrt error: Got non zero status value:-6787, msg=This GRW license requires a DVM license with a valid maintenance date

  • Munis

  • Enterprise ERP

  • 4Js

  • FourJs license

  • ERROR(-6780):Invalid license request format


Invalid or expired Genero license/maintenance key


OnPrem Clients:

  1. Log into https://tylerdeploy.com and select the tenant in question

  2. Click on Product Deployments > Munis ERP

  3. Select the environment from the dropdown

  4. Click on Tasks

  5. Select Update Genero & Report Engine License

  6. Click Run

  7. For additional assistance, please contact Tyler Systems Management OnPrem Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal

SaaS Clients:

Additional Information