Munis Entity Service Configuration processing failed - 401 Unauthorized

Description of Issue
  • Munis Entity Service Configuration not working

  • Pending Notifications showing Failed Previously

  • 401: Unauthorized

  • ExecuTime Last Synchronization Date not updating

  • Munis Entity Service Configuration

  • ExecuTime Tyler Integration

  • Munis System Log


The Munis Entity Service Configuration record is incorrectly setup with a Username and Password

  1. Check Munis > System Administration > General Administration > System Log for errors related to Entity Service Configuration

    1. Navigate to Munis > System Log

    2. Click the Search command

    3. In the Date field populate the date the Entity Service Configuration was last processed

    4. In the Program Id field populate the value spentsvc

    5. Click the Accept command and review any results

    6. Look for results with a Message of, Error processing Payload, and a Context of, 401: Unauthorized

  2. Navigate to Munis > System Administration > General Administration > Entity Service Configuration

  3. In Entity Service Configuration check to see if Username field is populated and if, A password is on file, is checked off

  4. If authentication information is populated on the Entity Service Configuration record click the Delete command to rebuild it without authentication information

  5. Click the Add command to build a new record

  6. Populate the Code and Description fields with the value ExecuTime

  7. Navigate to ExecuTime > System Configuration > Tyler Integration

  8. Click the Subscribe to changes in Tyler (cloud icon with up arrow) command to re-send subscription information from ExecuTime to Munis

  9. Close out of Munis Entity Service Configuration and re-open it to verify subscription information was correctly built in Munis

  10. Click the Process command to send the Pending Notification record from Munis to ExecuTime for processing

Additional Information

Munis > System Administration > General Administration > System Log should be reviewed for errors whenever the Munis > Entity Service Configuration fails