Reverse Payment Redistribution Batch

Reverse Payment Redistribution Batch

Description of Issue

An entire batch of payment redistributions needs to be reversed.

  • Munis 
  • Payment Redistribution 
  • Payment Batch Reversals 
  • Reversal 

The payment redistribution was either completed in error or is skewing the history of the bills. 

  1. Navigate to Munis → General RevenuesPayment ProcessingPayment Batch Reversals 
  2. Click Define 
  3. Enter the batch number that needs to be reversed. 
  4. From the Content Type dropdown menu, select Receipt, Payment Redistribution. 
  5. Enter the Entry Date of the batch that needs to be reversed.
  6. Click Accept 
  7. Enter the department code for the reversal.
  8. Enter the desired effective and GL dates for the reversal. 
  9. Select a reason from the Reason dropdown. 
  10. Click Accept 
  11. Click the Output-Proc button in the top ribbon. 
  12. The reversal of the batch will need to be posted to the General Ledger from the Payments Journal program. 
Additional Information

To reverse a single or several payment redistributions in a batch, please follow the steps outlined here: Reverse Payment Redistribution