Account not in budget projection - Account was not in fund range

Description of Issue
  • User created a projection with a specific fund range

  • User is expecting to see account in projection but account is not present

  • The account does not fall within the fund range in Define/Start Budget Projection

  • Define/Start Budget Projection

  • Next Year Budget Entry

  • Central Budget Entry

  • Next Year Budget Reports

  • Budget Scenarios

  • Cubes


Account was not in fund range


To make account(s) appear in projection by updating fund range and mastering projection: 

Financials > Budget Processing > Define/Start Budget Projection

  • Click Search and enter projection number

  • Accept

  • Update

  • Enter new fund range(s)  

  • Accept

To pull in account(s) flagged as Budgetary in Account Master:

  • Click Master

  • Accept

Additional Information

In Munis version 2019.1 or higher, the projection must be in an Active or Outdated status to be mastered.