How GL Account is linked to pays added in Time Entry and Earnings and Deductions

Description of Issue

How does the system pull the GL account for pays in Time Entry?

  • Munis

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Time Entry

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Employee Master

  • Position Control

  • Job Class Master

  • Pay Master


  • When pays are added into Time Entry or Earnings and Deductions, if the pay does not exist in Employee Job/Salary the process is as follows (this is only for base pay codes):

  1. It will first look to the base pay in Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary) . If the Job Classes match, it will pull the GL account from the base pay record. 

  2. If the Job Classes do NOT match:

    1. It will next look to the Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master) GL account. If they still do not match:

    2. It will then look to Position Control (Human Resource>Position Control and Budgeting>Position Control).

    3. Then Job Class Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master)

    4. Then Default GL Account in Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  • For additional pay types the system will use two options, depending on the value defined for Payroll Control Setting GENERAL: GL ACCOUNT DEFAULT CHECKS BASE PAY.

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Setup>Payroll Control Settings.


    1. When this setting is set to N (No), the system starts by pulling any segment defined in Pay Master. It will then go to Job Class, and then Employee Master to pull any remaining segments. 

    2. When this setting is set to Y (Yes), the system starts by pulling any segment defined in Pay Master, then will go to the current base pay record for the employee in Employee Job/Salary.

  • If a pay code is being loaded into Time Entry or Earnings and Deductions that does exist in Employee Job/Salary, it will always look to the Employee Job/Salary record to pull the GL information.

Additional Information

In versions 2019.1 and higher, in Pay Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Pay Master) the field for Allocations determines how non-base pays should pull the GL account:

  • N-None (no automatic reallocation occurs)

  • P-Like Base, All Jobs

  • S-Like Base, Same Job

The P and S options allow you to designate whether the pays used to reallocate earnings should be all base pays for the employee or just the base pays with the same job class as the reallocation non-base pay. The default value is N-None for all new and existing pay types.