Implication of Budgetary flag in Account Master

Description of Issue
  • User needs to know the impact of flagging an account as Budgetary in Account Master

  • Overbudget warning despite accounts not being flagged as Budgetary in Account Master

  • Posted budget amount does not match what is listed in projection for final budget level amount

  • Account Master

  • Next Year Budget Entry

  • Central Budget Entry

  • Next Year Budget Reports

  • Cubes

  • Post to Master for Reports

  • Budget Completion Journal

  • Define Start Budget Projection


User needs to know the impact of flagging an account as Budgetary in Account Master

  • Flagging an account as Budgetary will flag that account for inclusion on future budget projections

  • Removing an accounts Budgetary flag will not adjust the associated Available Budget Check

Additional Information
  • Define Start Budget Projection generate or add option looks to Budgetary flag in addition to fund type, account status when pulling GL account into Budget Projection.

  • Post to Master for Reports, soft posting next system fiscal year for original budget requires budgetary flag to be included in output post

  • Budget Completion Journal, hard posting current fiscal year for original budget requires budgetary flag to be included in output post

    • Posting a Multi-year Life-to-date (MY LTD) BUC will auto remove budgetary flag by design in account master when budget posted so it is not included in future budget projections

  • Adding or removing budgetary flag in Account Master will be captured in Account Audits