General Ledger load historical tables - remove records

Description of Issue
  • Header and detail amount mismatch in prior year Account Inquiry

  • GL Memo Balance cannot fix prior year 2 and beyond what option is available

  • Load Historical Tables

  • Account Inquiry

  • Summary vs Detail Amounts


Journal incorrectly updated Munis Accounts table amounts and adjustments are needed

  • This process should be performed in Train or Test first

  • Live should be backed up and users logged out before updating Live

  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Miscellaneous Setup > Load Historical Tables

  2. Search

  3. Define the find by segments to define record set of accounts, define nothing to select all accounts

  4. Accept

  5. Define

  6. Enter specific Fiscal Year needed to adjust

  7. Accept

  8. Remove Records

  9. Post Updates

  10. Verify Account Inquiry amounts have been updated accordingly, refresh screen if already open to see updates

Additional Information

Support would prefer normal in program Munis options were used instead of asking support to script fixes, script is the last option.