Difference between sub and dependent work orders

Difference between sub and dependent work orders

Description of Issue

What's the difference between a sub work order and a dependent work order?


Tyler EAM



  • Sub work orders have a direct association to a master work order and are child records of the parent record

    • This association is often made due to cause/effect (WO1 is a PM work order for a pump inspection and when the technician sees it is broken then WO2 gets created as a child WO to repair the pump)

    • They can also be used to group work (Master WO would be for painting hydrants and sub WO's would be individual work orders on each hydrant).  This is a useful way to have all costs tied to one work order (the master) but track progress at the asset level.

  • Dependent work orders are a way to denote the sequence to execute work orders

    • If two or more work orders are tied together in the Dependent Work orders section in Field Work, you can put them in a specific order of execution.  For example, if WO1 is for pavement striping and WO2 is for road paving, you can tie them together and make Pave Road first in the list. That way, when someone tries to Begin Work on the Stripe Pavement work order, they will get prompted with a message saying that this is dependent on another work order being done first.

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