BRM Auto match process created duplicate transfer journals

BRM Auto match process created duplicate transfer journals

Description of Issue

More than one user processed auto match.  Transfer journals were created for each time the process was run. 

  • Auto match
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • Transfer journals

The first auto match had not finished processing when the second user ran auto match.

  • Journal Reversal can be used to reverse the duplicate journal if the Effective Date on the journal detail lines match the journal header. 
  • If the detail lines have different effective dates:
  1. The duplicate journal should be exported to Excel.
  2. The D/C values on the journal lines will need to be switched to create a reversal journal. 
  3. In Journal Import program, create a Custom Template that includes Effective Date and other desired fields. 
  4. Import the journal to Journal Import program.
  5. Review imported journal values to confirm they are equal and opposite to the duplicate journals. Confirm journal line Effective Dates are correct. 
  6. Post journal
  7. Exclude journals that should not pull into Bank Reconciliation Manager using the BRM exclusion process:  How to Exclude Transactions in Bank Reconciliation Manager
Additional Information
  • Journals with Reference 4 of Sub2Prim will not surface in BRM by design. 
  • Prior to the release of the BRM exclusion process, Development included code to exclude journals with Reference 4 populated with REVERSAL. While scripting or entering a Reference 4 of REVERSAL will still prevent a journal from surfacing in BRM, the method is now obsolete and unnecessary. The BRM Exclusion process is effective, reversible by the end user and provides an audit trail 
  • Development and sites explored the possibility of adding a lock to the auto match process. Determined negative impact of invalid locking and partially created matches outweighed benefit of adding program locks. 
    • Note: When auto match is processed, all outstanding Munis and Bank transactions are reviewed and matched based on the settings in the BAI Import program. It is unnecessary to process automatch from the Match screen and during the BAI Import.