Pensionable Amount calculation in CT Teachers Retirement Report

Pensionable Amount calculation in CT Teachers Retirement Report

Description of Issue

How does the TRB Report calculate the pensionable wages?

  • Payroll

  • Connecticut

  • CT Teachers Retirement Report




The TRB software is expecting reported contributions to be a defined percentage of Pensionable Compensation and will error if it's not. 

The EERP/Munis program currently uses the withholding amount to back into the Pensionable Compensation amount using the percentage defined in the Regular Contribution field on the CT Teacher Retirement Report screen in order to avoid an upload error. 

Calculation: Regular Contributions divided by Regular Contribution percentage

  • Regular Contributions amount is a sum of Employee Amounts from the EERP deduction code(s) defined on the Generate screen as Regular Deductions. 

    • The sum of amounts comes from Accumulators for the defined Report Month/Year when the "Report by" option on the Generate screen is defined as Monthly. 

    • If the Report by option is defined as Date, the sum of amounts comes from the payroll Warrant(s) with a Check Date that falls within the defined Date range. (Deductions History).

  • Regular Contribution percentage is defined in the Regular Contribution field on the Generate screen

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