Asset Registry Advanced Searches for asset groups do not retain selection or show search chip

Description of Issue

Issues found with asset groups in Asset Registry Advanced Search:

  1. Search results for asset groups do not show search chips

  2. Saved Advanced Searches for asset groups do not retain the selected asset groups


Tyler EAM



Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:

  • 2019.1.22.0 - MUN-430848

  • 2020.3.0.0 - MUN-433251

  • 2021.1.0.0 - MUN-433252

  • 2021.2.0.0 - MUN-433253

  • 2021.3.0.0 - MUN-433254

  • 2021.4.0.0 - MUN-433255

  • 2021.5.0.0 - MUN-433256

Workaround:  Add the group info back into a saved search before performing the search

Additional Information