CSS stuck in a loading loop after payment

CSS stuck in a loading loop after payment

Description of Issue

After processing a payment, the vendor page will try to send the customer back to CSS. During this process the client will be stuck on a loading screen.

  • CSS

  • Payments

  • Online Payment Vendors

  • Version 2019.1+


The Postback URL on the hosting page is case sensitive. If the URL contains CSS (all caps) the postback will not redirect successfully and get stuck in a loop.

  1. Navigate back to the CSS hosting page

  2. Click Client Configuration then Edit

  3. Click on Payment Services

  4. Click Change on the payment vendor the client is using

  5. Under the Postback URL verify that the URL does not contain CSS in all caps
    Example URL with incorrect formatting: https://selfservice.xxxxxxxxx.gov/CSS/PaymentConfirmation.ashx?svc=0&client=1&

  6. Update the Postback URL to have css in lowercase. 
    Example URL with correct formatting: https://selfservice.xxxxxxxxx.gov/css/PaymentConfirmation.ashx?svc=0&client=1&
    Note: for a test or train environment the url may say CSSTest / CSSTrain. This should become csstest / csstrain.

  7. Click Update

Additional Information