Budget Completion Journal - Warnings Found in Budget Completion Journal - Projection is Zero

Description of Issue

Posting Budget Completion Journal and receive message:

Warnings Found in Budget Completion Journal
On the Budget Completion Problems report:

  • Budget Completion Journal
  • Warning
  • Zero Amount

For the listed account, the amount in Maximum Budget Level within the Projection being posted is Zero.

  • If the warning message is displaying for all accounts, the projection will need to be reviewed. This could mean that the projection needs to be rolled to the Maximum Budget Level so amounts exist. 
  • If the accounts displayed should not have any budget, the Budget Completion Journal can be posted with only the warnings. 
  • If a 0.00 budget is posted for an account, Original budget cannot be posted again for the account during the fiscal year (Standard Annual Fund). Multiyear Life To Date funds only allow Original Budget to be posted once for the life of an account in the fund. It is important to remove accounts with 0.00 from the projection if you intend to post a real Original Budget.
Additional Information

While a 0.00 will not create a BUC journal line it will update Account Master > Amounts > Future Year > Budget Year field and this is what system looks at to know if account has already been through the process.

Accounts that have already been through the process and Budget Year updated can only receive additional budget through Budget Transfer and Amendments BUA transfer in/out amount.