Post to Master for Reports Error - You do not have permission to post to inactive accounts

Description of Issue

Post to Master for Reports Error "You do not have permission to post to inactive accounts"



Post to Master for Reports


Inactive accounts exist within budget projection (whether or not amounts are entered) and user does not have the GL permission to "Allow posting to inactive accounts"


To find the Inactive accounts that are causing the issue go into Financials > Budget Processing > Next Year Budget Entry, enter the Projection Number, and hit Accept once to get into the Segment Find Criteria. In the Account Status Field enter I for "Inactive" and hit Accept again to pull in those accounts within the projection.

To bypass the error there are two solutions:

  • Remove Inactive accounts from the Budget Projection:
    1. After searching the projection to find those inactive accounts in Next Year Budget Entry
    2. hit the More option in the ribbon
    3. Select Mass Delete. This will delete those accounts that were searched for (inactive accounts) from the projection.
    4. Once deleted from the projection, use the Post to Master for Reports program again (make sure to close out of the program and re-enter).
  • Update the permissions of the user completing the posting to allow for posting to Inactive Accounts:
    1. System Administration > Security > User Attributes
    2. Search for the User who is completing the posting,
    3. Select one of their roles that grants General Ledger permissions
    4. Hit Edit Role at the bottom of screen,
    5. Select the General Ledger yellow folder
    6. Update,
    7. Check the box for Allow Posting to Inactive Accounts, then Accept to save the change
    8. Once the permissions are updated, use the Post to Master for Reports program again (make sure to close out of the program and re-enter)
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