Budget Projections An error has occurred- default operational projection missing or invalid in budget settings

Description of Issue

Budget Projections An error has occurred

Error: There is no Default Operational Projection defined in Budget Settings. Status: 100


Central Budget Entry

Next Year Budget Entry


The Default Operational Projection # field in Budget Settings is invalid or missing


To resolve this error when launching Central Budget Entry or Next Year Budget Entry a valid default projection will need to be assigned in Budget settings. 

Users with a maximum budget level 1 will only be able to view and work on the default projection. 

Munis > Financials > Budget Processing > Budget Settings

  1. Click Update
  2. Enter a valid projection number in the Default Operational Projection field
    1. A list of valid projections can be generated by opening Define/Start Budget projections and clicking Browse
  3. Click Accept

Once this field is updated and saved, launching Central Budget Entry or Next year budget entry will default to this projection when the program is opened. 

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