How to add a new General Ledger account to an existing Budget Projection

Description of Issue
  • After creating a brand new General Ledger account, the account is not showing on an existing Budget Projection.
  • New account not showing in budget projection.
  • Next Year Budget Entry or Central Budget Entry does not include new account.

Next Year Budget Entry

Central Budget Entry


Accounts added to the General Ledger are not automatically pulled into existing budget projections; they must be added manually.


There are 2 ways to pull new GL accounts into an existing budget projection:

If you wish to pull in all accounts that meet the budget projection criteria, Master the Projection:

  1. Go to Financials>Budget Processing>Define/Start Budget Projection
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter your Budget Projection in the Projection Number field
  4. Click Accept
  5. Click Master
  6. Click Accept

If you wish to pull in only specific accounts, you can add the missing accounts one at a time - typically this method is chosen if the budget projection was imported:

  1. Go to Financials>Budget Processing>Next Year Budget Entry
  2. Search for the projection
  3. Select Add
  4. Enter the account information
  5. Select Accept to save the record. There should be a message in the bottom left of the screen indicating the account was added to the projection.
  6. Select Return
Additional Information

If the new account still does not show on the Budget Projection after completing this process, it is possible that this account has not been flagged as Budgetary in the Account Master program. To verify this, please follow the instructions in the KCS Article below:

Accounts Do Not Pull Into Projection When Clicking Master In Define Start Budget Projection