How AJE journal was created
How AJE journal was created
Description of Issue
Why is there an AJE journal in my name? I didn't create it.
What is an AJE journal?
- Reporting
- Account Inquiry
- Journal Inquiry Print
- Account Trial Balance
The user is not aware that the system auto-generates an AJE journal in their name as a result of their prior year period 13 journal.
- An AJE adjustment journal is only generated when a Period 13 journal impacts a control account that zeroes out at the end of the fiscal year.
- AJE journals are created automatically by Munis when a Period 13 journal is posted to the closed fiscal year. The Creator of the period 13 journal will also be the listed as the Creator of the AJE journal entry.
Additional Information
- Selecting the Journal Links folder on the posted journal entry will provide journal information for the originating journal and auto journals (AJE/SOY) that were generated.
Here's an example:
- A Period 13 GEN journal is posted to the Cash account and an Expense account. During posting, this automatically hits the Expenditure control account also.
- An AJE journal is then automatically created to zero out this amount from the Expenditure control account since it must have a zero balance at the end of the year.
- This amount that gets zeroed out moves to the Fund Balance Unreserved, Undesignated control account in the AJE journal.
- The amount from the AJE journal then carries forward to the next fiscal year as a period 0 SOY (start-of-year) journal.
, multiple selections available,
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