Budget Projection(s) missing on Budgeting Cubes

Budget Projection(s) missing on Budgeting Cubes

Description of Issue

When running General Ledger Budgeting Cubes, one or more Budget Projections are not able to be selected.

  • Budgeting
  • General Ledger
  • Cubes

This occurs if the Budget Projection is not set to be included onto your site's Cubes.


To update settings for an active budget projection: 

  1. Go to Financials>Budget Processing>Define/Start Budget Projection.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Enter the Projection that is missing from your Cubes in the Projection number field.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Turn on the Include projection in budget cube data setting.
  7. Click Accept.
  8. The Cubes job must be run from the server to refresh the data in Cubes. This can either be done manually or you can wait for the next time the job is scheduled to run automatically (usually overnight).
  9. After your Cubes job has run, the Budget Projection should  be available to use on your Budget Cubes.