Withdrawals total incorrectly when multiple withdrawals in Partial Match are updated to full match

Description of Issue
  • Munis Total on original Partial match is 0.00 when selected
  • When multiple Withdrawal items exist on a partial match, amounts display incorrectly when item from that partial match is selected
  • Totals and transaction signs are incorrect when multiple withdrawals exist in one partial match and the transaction(s) are selected again to fully match. When the item is selected from the Bank side, that individual item shows correctly but any other withdrawal item on the match shows as the opposite sign (positive or negative)
  • Bank Reconciliation Manager
  • Matching 
  • Withdrawals
  • Disbursements

  • MUN-380275 has been opened with Development to correct this issue. 
  • Possible workarounds:
    • Unmatch, then rematch all the transactions to create a full match. 
    • Match each Withdrawal separately. 
Additional Information