Account restrictions exist, enter another account - Error entering Project String in Requisition Entry

Description of Issue

Why am I getting an error when I have data access to the project?

Account restrictions exist, enter another account

  • Project Master
  • User Attributes
  • Requisition Entry
  • User has Project Accounting Data Access to project

General Ledger Data Access is not granted


To check if Project String has a General Ledger account associated with the string:

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Master

  1. Search
  2. Enter [project number] in Project field
  3. Accept
  4. Click Expense or Funding Source and locate correct string
  5. Check if GL Account exist in Default GL account section (click GL Account tab for Funding Source strings) and make note of account segments

If string has a GL account or segment, verify if user has data access to GL segment(s):

System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Click Search, and enter the User's ID
  2. Click Accept, and this will bring up the user's Role
  3. Filter icon in Filter active set
  4. Financial Management in Product dropdown
  5. General Ledger in Module dropdown
  6. Go
  7. Data Access tab
  8. Double-click Account segment/group access line if access is Limited
  9. Review if user has access to segments for each page and REQUISITION ENTRY (rqentpst) appears in the Applicable Programs list

If user does not have access and data access is to be granted:

  1. Click Edit Role (may affect multiple users)
  2. Click Yellow folder icon next to Account/segment group access
  3. Update (lower middle)
  4. Tab to blank line
  5. Fill in [segments in Type and Range columns]
  6. Accept
  7. Return
  8. Return

Have user restart program

Additional Information