Details are not displaying in Purchasing programs
Bid details do not display in Bid Central after clicking on Bid Number
Item details do not display in Items program after clicking on Item Number
Contract details do not display in Contract Progress Payments program after saving
F12 Debug Console error: Error: Passed object is missing property ApplicationData for type UserAccount
Bid Management
Inventory Management
Contract Management
Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:
2018.1.29.0 - MUN-429872
2019.1.22.0 - MUN-429778
2020.3.0.0 - MUN-429779
2021.1.0.0 - MUN-429780
2021.2.0.0 - MUN-429781
2021.3.0.0 - MUN-429782
2021.4.0.0 - MUN-429783
2021.5.0.0 - MUN-429372
Workaround: There is currently no work around for this issue. If you need additional assistance or to create a support case to track the issue, please contact the Munis Financial Assets and Civic Team