Refunds fail to generate when bills have special conditions to block payments

Description of Issue

I get an error message when releasing refunds from bill refund processing.

  • Error Message: Error allocating refund amount.

  • ERROR: No lines are available to apply overpayment towards. Allocation failed.

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Bill Refund Processing

  • Special Conditions

  • 2019.1+


One or more of the refunds being created are for a bill/property/account that has a special condition that blocks payments.

  1. Contact Munis Support to have the refund batch removed from the system

  2. Use one of these two options to processes the refunds:

    • Remove the refund record for any bills with the special condition blocking payments

    • Have a user with AR permissions that allow them to override the special condition blocking payments

Additional Information