What determines red or black actual amounts in account inquiry for balance sheet accounts?

Description of Issue

User wants to know why one year is black and one year is red

  • Account Inquiry

  • Account Master

  • Balance Type



The set up in Account Master determines how the actual amounts will appear on balance sheet accounts in Account inquiry.

MUNIS > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Set Up Chart of Accounts > Account Master

The Balance Type determines how the amounts will display in account inquiry actual memo balance.

Balance Type                                   Assets                                   Liability + Equity                               Fund Balance

Normal Balance                                Debit                                     Credit                                                Credit   

Debit Balance                                   Black                                      Red                                                   Red       

Credit Balance                                  Red                                        Black                                                 Black

Black means the total matches the Normal Balance for the Balance type (Asset, Liability + Equity, or Fund Balance)

Red means the total does not match the Normal Balance for Balance type (Asset, Liability + Equity, or Fund Balance)


This functionality is built into the program. There is a field in Account Master for the Normal Balance, MUNIS DOES NOT change the functionality dependent on what this field says. That field is information only (it is used for a few reports so it should be set up correctly according to the information above however it does not determine how the Red or Black will display in Account Inquiry.

Once the accounts themselves are set up, the sum of the posted journals that displays in the Actual memo field determines if the value will show as Red or Black. Follow the table above.

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