Could not insert accrual history record Error when running Employee Update

Description of Issue

When processing the Employee Update in the payroll, received an error that read:

Could not insert accrual history record  emp: 1218 Job: Typ:1 Tbl: 1 From:09/24/2022

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Employee Update

  • Employee Accruals


This will not cause any adverse effects for payroll but it will not insert any records prior to SOY date.

  1. When Munis (prempupd) error displays noting, There were accrual errors. Check accrual error report for details. Click Ok. 

    1. If the Report is not created when displayed it cannot be re-created. 

  2. Click Payroll > Accrual Processing > Employee Accruals 

  3. Click History from the menu

  4. Search and Accept on the Employee, Type and Table you want to add a record for

  5. Click Add from the Ribbon

  6. Add a record that falls after the SOY Adjustment Record that exists in history for this type and table


Munis does not allow you to add a history record on or before the most recent SOY (Start of Year) adjustment record.

Additional Information