Asset adjustment and improvement transactions with negative amounts are skipping workflow

Description of Issue

Adjustment/Improvement transaction skipped workflow and went straight to an Approved status


Fixed/Capital Assets


Transaction was for a negative amount and business rule was based on an amount range of $0.00 or higher


If transactions to reduce asset amounts should hit workflow, select the option that works best for your business practices:

  • If Adjustment or Improvement workflow needs to be based on amounts (with a type of AMT) and negative amounts should hit workflow, Update the business rule to set the Min Amt to the largest possible negative number

  • If Adjustment or Improvement workflow does not need to be based on amounts and all transactions regardless of amounts should hit workflow, the existing business rule(s) can be deleted and new rules can be created using a type of VER

  • An alternative way to decrease the value of an asset would be to process a partial Retirement or Disposal transaction by selecting to retire/dispose by Amount and entering the amount of value to decrease by as a positive amount in the Amount field

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