Due To Due From lines are not being generated

Description of Issue

Due to/from accounts are not auto generating when transferring cash from one bank account to another when the accounts reside in different funds

  • DTDF

  • Due to Due from

  • General Journal Entry

  • GEN


The accounts on the journal are actually within the same fund so no Due-To/Due-From lines would be generated


Due-To/Due-From lines are created when there are journal lines to balance sheet accounts for 2 or more Funds

For multiple accounts within one fund to be hit with Due-To/Due From records Subfund balancing would be needed

Additional Information

Due-To/Due-From Examples

The following are examples of actual journal entry activities that would require due-to/due-from entries.

Example A:

Credit Cash in Fund 010 for $100

Debit Expense Account in Fund 030 for $100

Example B:

Credit Cash in Fund 010 for $110

Debit Expense Account in Fund 020 for $60

Debit Expense Account in Fund 030 for $50

The due-to/due-from journal entries that Munis programs would attempt to make in response to these accounting situations would be as follows:

Example A:

Debit the Due From Fund 030 in Fund 010 for $100

Credit the Due To Fund 010 in Fund 030 for $100

Example B:

Debit the Due From Fund 020 in Fund 010 for $60

Debit the Due From Fund 030 in Fund 010 for $50

Credit the Due To Fund 010 in Fund 020 for $60

Credit the Due To Fund 010 in Fund 030 for $50