Invoice Entry is overriding the manually entered remittance address when we hit update in the ribbon

Description of Issue

In a Purchasing Plus environment, an invoice is entered and saved against a contract that has a vendor and remittance of XXXX and remit 0. If we enter a new invoice against that contract, it will default the vendor and remittance onto the header, but we are permitted to override the remittance to something else, e.g. remittance 3, and then save the invoice. However, if we come back to the invoice after the fact, and hit update, Munis is automatically defaulting the invoice remittance back to remit 0, without any indication to the end user.

  • Munis

  • Purchasing Plus

  • Accounts Payable

  • Invoice Entry


This is a Munis defect

  • Please install MUN-428830 when available

  • Users must manually return the remittance to the previous remit before continuing with their changes

Additional Information